Exhibitors News

ECOGEN: Pioneers in Latin America in environmental DNA

Biodiversity loss is one of the greatest threats, the planet is suffering the greatest loss of species since the time of the dinosaurs, being imperceptible to many, about a million species of plants and animals are at risk of extinction, […]

Publicada: Wednesday 19 de April del 2023
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Biodiversity loss is one of the greatest threats, the planet is suffering the greatest loss of species since the time of the dinosaurs, being imperceptible to many, about a million species of plants and animals are at risk of extinction, their disappearance would bring catastrophic effects for all ecosystems of the world, becoming a dangerous place for all humanity. During the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15/2022), a historic agreement was reached with concrete measures to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, including the protection of 30% of the planet and 30% of degraded ecosystems by 2030. It has never been more necessary than today to promote nature-based solutions to identify and actively monitor biodiversity, the speed with which we are losing it makes them increasingly urgent, in turn, the IUCN with the concept “Net Positive Impact” (Net Positive Impact) seeks that companies achieve net biodiversity gains, that is, that at the end of extractive operations (as is the case of mining) the implementation of effective, highly sensitive and non-invasive activities with nature allow the restoration of impacted ecosystems to a “better” state than the previous one. At ECOGEN we are aware of all this; with a team that loves nature, we guide companies to be more environmentally sustainable every day through a nature-based solution for biodiversity monitoring using DNA, with it, we manage to detect up to three times more species compared to classical methods, reducing costs, effort of long and sometimes unsuccessful campaigns, and safety risks associated with biotic monitoring in mining. The risk posed by global biodiversity loss rises on the corporate agendas of leading companies. Until now, the lack of data has prevented timely and effective decision making, resulting in compensatory rather than preventive actions. ECOGEN’s highly sensitive monitoring captures small traces of species in the environment (from bacteria to large mammals) generating an accurate understanding of the state of nature and delivering – unprecedentedly – a wealth of information that facilitates executive decision making. Environmental DNA in the mining industry will provide a key part of sustainability and biodiversity strategies at the corporate level, allowing you to continuously measure, evaluate and decide on your impact. Don’t miss this and much more at Expomin, April 24-27 at FISA booth 6B-60. We invite you to invest in conservation so that together we can protect our only planet! Will you join the change? Contact Felipe M. Castillo Commercial Manager fcastillo@ecogen.cl +56968411271 www.ecogen.cl

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